ITP Sport offers a secure and confidential platform for reporting concerns, grievances, or allegations of misconduct, abuse, or unethical behavior within your organization. Our experienced complaint management team handles each case with sensitivity and discretion, adhering to established protocols and procedures to ensure a fair and objective process. 

Key Features

  • Experienced Team: We have extensive experience handling a wide range of complaints, from minor infractions to serious misconduct.
  • Anonymous & Named Complaints: We efficiently manage both anonymous and named complaints.
  • Dispute Resolution Options: We guide complainants towards the most suitable resolution pathway, including mediation, arbitration, or internal/external investigations.
  • Administrative Support: We provide comprehensive support throughout the process, including managing timelines and facilitating communication between all parties.


  • Safe and Inclusive Environment: Fosters a safe and inclusive environment for all participants in your sport organization.
  • Ethical Conduct & Fair Resolution: Builds trust and strengthens the integrity of your organization.
  • Compliance & Transparency: Ensures adherence to relevant legislation and privacy laws.



Find out how we can help your organization. Click below to get started.